Living a stress-free and successful life
Here is the 8 keys to living a stress-free and successful life
Changing jobs, leaving your partner, moving, etc., the desire for change is there but where to start?
To do it in order there is some tips :
To fix objectives
To change your life, set your goals and then list what you need to achieve them (time, money, etc.). Prioritize the actions to be taken step by step to obtain them and keep in mind that change is not easy but requires determination and courage.
Take stock of your desires
The desire for change often comes from being fed up: all it takes is one bad day, and you want to throw everything away. However, you have to know how to differentiate a simple fed up from a deep desire for change at the risk of certain disappointments. To do this, you have to point out your sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, sphere by sphere (professional, personal, friendly).
Take a step back
To carry out a change, you have to settle down, take time for yourself and really listen to your desires and needs. A good exercise is to imagine several scenarios: what will my life look like in the short, medium and long term if I continue on the same path? Ditto, if I imagine another life: what will it be like in 5, 10 or 20 years if I put my projects into action? Would I be happier? Because the end is the happiness of being in harmony with oneself.
Step out of your comfort zone
Agreeing to step out of your comfort zone is energy-consuming from a physical and psychological point of view. Change is a factor of unknowns, which is exciting but not necessarily reassuring, it is better to tell yourself… Wanting to change without accepting the difficulty to which these changes exposes is not possible. One does not go without the other. To do this, you have to put failure into perspective and review your ideals.
Put failure into perspective
The gaze of others, the fear of hurting, of making mistakes, of failing, of ruining oneself, of putting others and oneself in difficulty…, the fear of failing is great and the barriers are numerous. But the fear of failure is only present if we consider failure as a “failure”. But in failure, either you win or you learn!
Give up your old life
A change is a change, with the loss of benefits that it entails. Saying goodbye to your old life is nevertheless necessary for success. Even if our current life does not suit us, there is almost a work of mourning to carry out. To dare to change is to accept the death of a certain part of oneself in order to be reborn again.
Quit your job overnight
If you want a radical change in all areas of your life, do it step by step: quitting your job and your spouse at the same time, for example, is the best way to feel overwhelmed and a failure. Set reasonable deadlines and take the time to prepare for changes.
To be accompanied
Support is sometimes necessary to make big changes in your life. Do not hesitate to be accompanied: psychologist, coach, guidance counsellor, associations, community having gone through the same life change, etc., is a good way to reassure yourself and to be inspired.
These instructions have changed the lives of many people, and will certainly allow you to live a stress-free and successful life.