What the appearance of your Lips says about You

Here is what the appearance of your lips reveals about your personality !

Is this description accurate?

All lips have different shapes

Many different shapes and sizes of your body can reveal something about the kind of person you are.

Depending on how you sit, the color of your eyes, the shape of your nose, we can know what type of personality you have. Likewise, every body has a different lip shape – and here’s what it says about your personality!

Does this description match your personality?


Are your lips not thick but not so thin either? So you have a shape of lips that we call “golden curls”. Generally, these lips are described as medium in size and do not have a very defined hollow. Do you have this shape of lips?

So you’re good at relating, you’re a balanced person, and you don’t admire drama. You really aren’t greedy or greedy, which is something a lot of people will be able to appreciate about you.

Full lips

Everyone wants to have lips like these: beautiful, round and full. Do you have this shape of lips?

So you like to take care of people. You prefer to put others before yourself – that’s your nature, that’s how it is.

Your friends and your family are all that matters in your life.

Thin lips

People with thin upper and lower lips can sometimes be lonely, but they know how to live with it. You don’t engage with people easily, and you may be less proficient at flirting than those with full lips. This does not mean that you are behind in love, far from it. You are good at interpersonal skills and relationships are generally flawless for you – you excel in this area.

Pointed cupid’s bow

Cupid’s bow is the upper edge of the top lip, which looks like a small, doubly curved bow – like Cupid’s bow (hence the name). Is your cupid’s bow well defined? So you are a good communicator.

You are also very creative and quick thinker. You have to be careful not to speak too quickly because sometimes you say something and then realize you should have kept it to yourself.

Round cupid’s bow

Is your cupid’s bow well defined but rounder? Then we have good news for you, because this lip shape reveals friendliness. People with a round cupid’s bow usually have good empathy and take the time to be there for their family and friends.

Small mouth with full lips

Are you someone with a narrow little mouth with full lips?

So it is possible that you have problems in terms of a relationship and you do not feel the need to share your whole life with someone. This is the reason why you give more attention to yourself than to others.

You are strong and autonomous !

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